
Helping Your Child Overcome the Fear of Water

Swimming lessons help children overcome their fear of water

Helping Your Child Overcome the Fear of Water

Is bath-time a battle with your little one? Do they panic if you try to bring them to the pool? Have you wondered how to help your child overcome fear of water? A fear of the water is quite common with young children. Most kids will outgrow this fear on their own. However, it can be a difficult stage for parents to wait out. If your child has developed a fear of water, there are things you can do to help them overcome it. Here are a few tips to help your child if he or she is afraid.

Be Patient

The first tip to remember is to not push them too hard. Their fear is real to them so be respectful of their emotions. Also, if you are nervous or anxious about the situation, your kids may notice and think there’s reason to be scared.

Make it Fun

Swimming and splashing around is supposed to be fun. Find ways to introduce water-related activities into your schedule that are non-threatening to your child. They may enjoy playing with water toys at a toddler water table or running around in the sprinklers. Start with activities they take pleasure in so they establish a more positive relationship with the water. Even though they may not go near a pool just yet, they may learn it’s OK to be splashed or get their face wet.

Reassure and Encourage

It is important to praise your child when they make progress. Give your child some reassurance that they are safe and that you are nearby. Tell them that you are sure they will succeed with practice.

Involve your Child

Your child is more likely to buy in if they get to make some of the decisions. Bring them to the store and let them pick out their bathing suit. Let them decide if they would rather go to the beach or just stick their feet in the pool. Allow them to bring their favorite water toy to the pool. The more involved your child is in the decision-making and preparation, the more likely they will be to participate once they get there.

Swimming Lessons

Learning to swim can make your child less fearful of the water. It may be best to start with an individual or small group setting so your child is not overwhelmed. It’s also important to notify the swim instructor of your child’s fear to make sure the experience is fun and safe. Look for qualified instructors who have experience working with kids with a fear of the water. Hopefully, this post has provided some practical tips on how to help your child overcome the fear of water.

The best way to prevent drowning and confidence in the water is to encourage swimming lessons.